
Art and Materials Lab welcomes reader submissions from creators and artists of all kinds, regardless of geographical location, role, religion, nationality, or gender, to share their work with a massive, global audience. Our approach allows information to flow freely without adhering to conventional hierarchical structures, facilitating cultural conversations driven directly by our readers. We invite innovators from every nook and cranny to partake in a constructive dialogue about global creativity. You are encouraged to showcase your projects to Art and Materials Lab's audience, comprising professionals, students, and design enthusiasts, which amasses 10 thousand monthly.

By participating, you assure that you own all intellectual property rights or have the necessary permissions to publicise the content you submit and that Art and Materials Lab has the right to publish said content. Please ensure you have read and accepted our privacy policy before registering.

Please follow the below essential submission material requirement for review. If you have any inquiries, please get in touch with us via email at for further details.

Every submission of a work needs to be reviewed by the editorial department, and the editor will publish it directly after passing. However, no further notice will be given if the work fails to pass the review due to the enormous business volume. Please understand, and thank you for your cooperation.

Art and Materials Lab 藝術與材料研究室歡迎創作者和藝術家以及各類創意者的投稿,不論其地理位置、身份、宗教信仰、國籍或性別,與全球範圍的讀者分享他們的作品。我們的理念是讓信息自由流動,不受傳統等級結構的束縛,直接由讀者推動文化對話。我們邀請來自世界各地的創新者參與對全球創意的建設性對話。您可以向 Art and Materials Lab 藝術與材料研究室的觀眾展示您的項目,該平台每月匯聚著一萬名專業人士、學生和設計愛好者。

參與投稿,您保證您擁有所有知識產權或已獲得必要的權限來發布您提交的內容,並且 Art and Materials Lab 藝術與材料研究室有權利發表該內容。在註冊前,請確保您已閱讀並接受我們的隱私政策

請遵循以下基本提交材料要求進行審核。 如果您有任何疑問,請通過電子郵件與我們聯繫 了解更多詳情。


Below is the essential submission material requirement.

  1. Image files with a width greater than 1000px (jpg/gif/png.)//images width > 1000px (at least 5 images)

  2. Title of the work _ Project Title

  3. Design Description _ Artist’s Interpretation or other

  4. Website or Fan page // Link to the source: website, Facebook, Twitter….etc

  5. Designer Basic Information / Contact

  6. Email to

  7. For any Inquiries related to the Submission, please get in touch with us by the right-hand form.

Art and Materials Lab

Art and Materials Lab