Fascinated by structures and aesthetics, Athena Chong creates hybrid textiles using fabrics, stitching, and tessellation theory. She experiments with different designs to determine textures on soft materials. Inspired by the goddess Athena, she designs neutral sculptural garments allowing women to shape their bodies freely. Her creations represent empowerment and gender equality in the modern era.


Structure makes soft materials stiff and is used to make hard materials flexible. Can different structures determine different textures on soft textiles? 

Sept 18, 2022


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Wai-Chi is very interested and fascinated by different structures with lots of curiosity and finding aesthetics between the conflicts of irregularity (soft) and regularity (hard). Using the edge of fabrics as front and cooperating with stitching and based on different textile tectonics and tessellation theory all together to create 3D and 2D textiles. She calls them hybrid textiles. She also devotes herself to mixing different colours and textures into her work.

Structure makes soft materials stiff and is used to make hard materials flexible. Can different designs determine different textures on soft textiles?

Athena is the goddess of war from Greek mythology, a symbol of intelligence and beauty, depicted as an androgyny image by different ancient artists. Coincidently,Waichi's English name is also Athena. She mixed soft textile stripes with unique structures to do her works into neutral sculptural garments – partly smooth and partly stiff. It means that females can mutate their body shape freely with clothes and become sophisticated and beautiful incarnations. The garments she created parallel Athena's armour. It is a creation, especially for modern females, in the generation of gender equality with fast-paced, high-tech development. Women shoulder a variety of responsibilities. The works are made to speak for women and to empower women.

Athena 尉慈是一位對3D結構相當著迷且好奇的織品設計師。她嘗試在設計中探索規則(硬)與不規則(軟)間的衝突,來找到美感。且致力於將布的邊當作正面,透過車縫線與試驗以各式織品結構和鑲嵌理論於她的作品中, 將布條混合成立體與平面的綜合結構。她稱它為"混合織品"更將各種不同材質和顏色的面料交織在一起。


在作品中,她以雅典娜Athena是希臘女戰神為名。正是希臘神話中智慧和美麗的象徵,被許多古代藝術家描繪成雌雄同體的形象,而尉慈的英文名字正是雅典娜。她透過柔軟的布料(陰)混合著特殊的結構 (陽)讓此布料成為時而剛硬時而柔軟的中性立體服飾。希望透過意味著女性能夠透過服飾自由的改變女性身體的輪闊,成為複雜既美麗的化身,好似為現代女性創作的盔甲,特別在性別平權,科技發達快速的年代,女性必須肩負各式各樣的責任,透過此創作為現代女性發聲並且加強女性在這時代的角色。

Athena Chong

Athena Chong, an interdisciplinary designer from the University for the Creative Art MA Textile program, is proficient in using various creative media, spanning the fields of visual arts and textiles.

As a creator, she refuses to be boring and is naturally a dreamer. Her creative media are not limited to visual arts and textiles; she also has a great passion for music and singing.

Athena believes everyone has unique talents and abilities and looks forward to combining everything she is good at to create beautiful, moving work. Imagine perfectly combining visual arts, textile design, music, and singing; this is the dream in Athena's heart.

莊尉慈,来自University for the creative art MA textile 的跨学科设计师,善於使用各創作媒材,橫跨視覺藝術及布料的各领域。






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